Download Airpath Compass Overhaul Manual Sears

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Airpath Compass Overhaul Manual Airpath Type 61 is the correct compass for the A and B model L-4. They went to the B-16 compass with the H and J. Brand Name: Airpath Instruments The compass (Airpath) is in need of an overhaul. All Categories > Aircraft Instruments > Flight Instruments > Compass Gauges & Fluid > Airpath 2 1/4' Compasses > View Items Download PDF Download PDF Printable Page Email This Page Save To Favorites.

If it is that old and losing fluid it is time for a reseal, not a refill. Try to stick to the correct fluid, I had one that someone figured on an alternative fluid and it turned out to be a great solvent for the glue that holds the compass card onto the float. (the compass card is the conical strip of thin plastic with NSEW etc printed on it, stuck to the part which rides the pivot) So the card had slipped off and was not exactly functional anymore. A 'pal of mine' has found that if you have enough fluid, (after installing new seals) immersing the entire compass in the fluid, then moving it about to remove every last tiny bubble, then screwing the cap on the top whilst still immersed - is the best way to get all the air out.

Do the pv=nrt for me, but it seems like a 140F cabin will eventually make the tiniest bubble increase the pressure beyond the limits of the expansion bellows. But I know nothing of this personally, as I am not an instrument crs. If you don't know how to do it, I suggest you don't try. The compass refill kits from Aircraft Spruce and other suppliers contain instructions for the process (as well as the necessary fluid and the new seals which are a really good idea if your compass needs refilling), but if you can't figure out how to remove your compass and open it up, you should get someone who does know how to supervise your work. BTW, even though the compass fairy has been known to visit many hangars when the FAA isn't looking, it's not legal for anyone other than an instrument repair shop to do this.

So if the compass fairy does visit, don't create any documentation of that visit in your aircraft maintenance records for the FAA to find and use against whoever signed the entry. That said, I just noticed you have a vertical card compass like this.not a classic Airpath wet compass like this: That's a lot harder to work on, and I suggest you don't try doing it yourself unless you really know what you're doing. The mechanical portion of that vertical card compass is extremely delicate and thus easy to damage. I suggest that rather than trying to refill it yourself, you take it to an instrument repair shop with the tools and expertise to disassemble, refill, and restore it to proper working condition. Programma vasya diagnost 11112 rus torrent full. If you look at the design of the wet compass, the plug is not a service port. It should never require service between overhauls as there is no way for fluid to escape or evaporate other than a leak. The plug is just how it's filled following a rebuild.