World Builder Na Piratke Dlya Civilization 5

It is not like previous civs I guess where it was in the 'menu' tab. I did the mod >single player >started a map and I do not see anything that lets me go into world builder while playing. So I saved the map. I started world builder and then loaded the map. But I am not familiar enough with the functions and it is not showing me my units (which I even turned everything off to see nothing but units) or where my starting point is at. Making it very confusing for me. I could figure it out eventually but why?

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I would have to save the map. Switch to WB.(ALT-TAB) Load the map. Do what I want, switch back to game and then load it back. If it wasn't for the loading I would be all for it. I hate the loading on Civ always takes to long. Especially later in the game. Main reason why I never really use the save/load for a better goodie hut.

OR Am I a clueless idiot and I still am not getting it?

World Builder I haven't been able to get the world builder to load at all for a while now; I'd tried reinstalling it a few times about a year ago and got no luck, so I just gave up for a while and it still isn't working (on a different computer). Sep 23, 2010  How do you access the world builder on civilization 5? Report Abuse. Are you sure you want to delete this answer? The world is 4.5 billion years old and ageing, Where was the first civilisation and therefore religion? More questions.