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American Psycho script by Mary Harron and Guinevere Turner AMERICAN PSYCHO by Mary Harron and Guinevere Turner Based on the novel by Bret Easton Ellis Fourth Draft November 1998 INT. PASTELS RESTAURANT- NIGHT An insanely expensive restaurant on the Upper East Side. AMERICAN PSYCHO by Matthew Markwalder Unproduced screenplay based on the book by Bret Easton Ellis June 1998 FADE IN TITLE CARD: And as things fell apart Nobody paid much attention Talking Heads EXT WALL STREET - DAY SOFT FOCUS on a blur of moving shapes and colors. SOUNDS of traffic and PEDESTRIANS on a crowded street. American Psycho Script Pdf. American Psycho is a 2. American black comedyhorror film co- written and directed by Mary Harron, based on Bret Easton Ellis's 1. Pressman purchased the film rights to the novel in 1. After discussions with David Cronenberg fell through, Harron was brought on to direct and cast Bale in the lead role. Lionsgate acquired worldwide distribution in 1. American psycho script pdf

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