Tablicu Kvadratov Ot 10 Do 20 Po Matematike

/tablica-umnojeniya-v-krossvordah-trenajer-2-3-klass-berejnova-l-r.html 1.0. /015/matematika-1-klass-pourochnie-razrabotki-uroki-1-20.html 1.0. .info/istorija/tablica-otechestvennaja-kultura-v-gody-voiny.html 2018-07-10. /yekonomika/cena-na-neft-marki-brent-tablica-s-1986-po-20.html 2016-03-24.

2013-07-01 In this study investigation of radioactivity of soil from Nyala city has been carried out. Thirty samples of soil are collected across the city randomly and measured, using gamma ray spectrometry system located in Khartoum. The investigations identify naturally occurring radionuclides from 238 U and 232 Th series in addition to to 40 K. The activity concentration of 238 U, 232 Th and 40 Krange 15.9-84.5, 35.3-213.2 and 4.5 Bq/Kg respectively. When compared with global data (UNSCEAR 2000), these values are relatively high. The investigation presents a preliminary survey of radioactivity content of a region (South Darfur State) which may be used baseline data for construction of maps of radioactivity of Sudan.(Author) • Fay, Temple H.; Greeff, Johanna C. 1999-01-01 Introduces a model of differential equations for students--a very real overpopulation problem is occurring in the Ndumu Game Reserve in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa, where one species of antelope, the Nyala, is crowding out another species, the Bushbuck.

Constructs a competing species model to mathematically describe what is occurring in Ndumu. Cooper 2005-06-01 Full Text Available A combination of thiafentanil (A3080, medetomidine hydrochloride (MED and ketamine hydrochloride (KET was evaluated in 19 boma-habituated (12 female and 7 males and 9 free-ranging nyala (7 male and 2 females (Tragelaphus angasi to develop a safe and reliable anaesthesia protocol. Wide dosages were used safely during this study with ranges for A3080 of 45 + 8 mg/kg with MED of 69 + 19 mg/kg and KET of 3.7 + 1.0 mg/kg (200 mg/ animal. The dosages developed on boma-habituated nyala proved to be equally effective in 9 adult free-ranging nyala (7 males and 2 females. The optimum dosage for nyala was a combination of A3080 (40-50 mg/kg, MED (60-80 mg/kg plus 200 mg of KET/animal. The anaesthesia was characterised by a short induction, good muscle relaxation and mild hypoxaemia during monitoring the anaesthesia was rapidly and completely reversed by naltrexone hydrochloride (30mg/mgof A3080 and atipamezole hydrochloride (5mg/mg of MED given intramuscularly.

There was no mortality or morbidity associated with this protocol. • Abaker, Ismail A; Salih, Diaeldin A; Haj, Lima M El; Ahmed, Rawia E; Osman, Manal M; Ali, Awadia M 2017-12-01 This study was conducted in dairy cattle in Nyala, South Darfur State, during the period from June to September 2015, to study the prevalence of bovine tropical theileriosis. Apparently, healthy cattle of different age groups, different breeds, and from both sexes were randomly selected from seven locations.

Three age groups of cattle were selected, group one Darfur region. Discography torrent download. • Abdelrahman, Amira Ahmed; Eltahir, Yassir Mohammed 2011-04-01 The objective of this study was to determine the bacterial contaminations in drinking water in Nyala city, South Darfur, Sudan with special reference to the internally displaced people camps (IDPs). Two hundred and forty water samples from different sites and sources including bore holes, hand pumps, dug wells, water points, water reservoir and household storage containers were collected in 2009. The most probable number method was used to detect and count the total coliform, faecal coliform and faecal enterococci. Results revealed that the three indicators bacteria were abundant in all sources except water points.

Percentages of the three indicators bacteria count above the permissible limits for drinking water in all samples were 46.4% total coliform, 45.2% faecal coliform and 25.4% faecal enterococci whereas the highest count of the indicators bacteria observed was 1,600 U/100 ml water. Enteric bacteria isolated were Escherichia coli (22.5%), Enterococcus faecalis (20.42%), Klebsiella (15.00%), Citrobacter (2.1%) and Enterobacter (3.33%).

The highest contamination of water sources was observed in household storage containers (20%) followed by boreholes (11.25%), reservoirs (6.24%), hand pumps (5.42%) and dug wells (2.49%). Contamination varied from season to season with the highest level in autumn (18.33%) followed by winter (13.75%) and summer (13.32%), respectively. All sources of water in IDP camps except water points were contaminated. Data suggested the importance of greater attention for household contamination, environmental sanitation control and the raise of awareness about water contamination.