Raschet Ekonomicheskoj Effektivnosti Proekta Excel
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I'm pretty new to this, so I hope I'm doing it right. Firstly I've searched for hours on this, but I'm not quite sure how to phrase it, so have come up with nothing really helpful so far. The problem is this. I'm making a spreadsheet for a game called Fish Tycoon. What I want to do is to enter two breeds of fish with 2 variables, body and fin, each with 21 options, and see the resulting offspring. I've got it working to a degree, by using CHOOSE(MATCH.
To return a value for each type of fin and body, then using the results with INDIRECT to make a cell address which corresponds to a chart on another worksheet. This works fine for A1 format, but this means that I am limited to only one combination of fish.
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What I want to do is to use the R1C1 format to return the address, but when I do this, I get an error #REF message. If I type in exactly the same contents by hand ie =sheet3!R3C6 it displays the correct info, but when I use ='sheet3!' &'R'&R2C6&'C'&R3C6 it gives me the same contents in the cell but the #Ref message. Re-reading this it seems very complicated, but this is the best way I can describe it. I'm happy to post the workbook or PM it if it will help.
Cheers Mookster.