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'Over the past several years there has been literally dozens of thefts in our stores caught on camera by your software; it's paid for itself many times over - thanks!' (Paul R, Washington, USA) Wherever you happen to be - across town or on the other side of the world - with Netcam Watcher you can have 24/7 monitoring of your business, home or property from your PC. Version 3.3 Netcam Watcher Remote Control for iPhone/iPad Available Now Simple, but Advanced. Netcam Watcher is very easy to use, but packs a powerful punch with advanced features: lets you see video from up to six cameras simultaneously, allowing multi-camera investigation of an event. Allow you to set virtual tripwires across roads or entrances. Graphically analyze the data later And there are many more - for example, • Email multiple frames when an alarm occurs (eg send 10 frames, 1 every second).

• Record before and / or after motion • Multi-monitor support - put cameras on different monitors in the way you choose • Intelligent patrolling - moves the camera randomly so the bad guys can't anticipate where the camera will go next. Also camera can stay on station if motion is detected. We support a wide range of Network Cameras. And many more (56 differnet manufacturers and increasing all the time.).