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Trembling bodies. Quivering lips. Tear-stained cheeks.

This is what racism looks like, and it is here at Iowa State. As I sat with my white skin, blue eyes and blond hair, I knew that I could not honestly say I understood how it feels to be a minority group living in the United States. I knew I could not tell the 12 Asian-American students sitting around me I understood how it feels to hear a racial slur directed at me or my ethnicity.

But as I sat Monday afternoon listening to fellow students’ stories, I felt it — their pain, their anger, their sadness. Most importantly, I felt their passion to right the wrongs done to them and every other person ever victimized by racism. I began to understand. Monday’s meeting was composed of 12 Asian-American students, one Caucasian student and one African-American student.

The students were joined by the Iowa State Daily’s Editor-in-Chief Jake Lovett, the Daily’s editorial adviser Mark Witherspoon, Vice President of Student Affairs Tom Hill and myself. The students came forward to express their disappointment in the Daily for publishing two 'Just Sayin' comments referring to a “squintey” in last Tuesday’s paper. The uproar over the publication of the comments has ignited discussions on racism at Iowa State and has caused the Daily to stop publishing 'Just Sayin' comments. The two 'Just Sayin' comments in question, like all other comments, were submitted by the public and chosen by employees in the Daily’s advertising department. The employees said they thought the two mentions of “squintey” referred to ground squirrels.

“Squinny” is what some people in Des Moines and nearby areas call ground squirrels, according to 'Western Folklore,' a book by Gary N. However, many in the ISU community said the term “squintey” can have a much more sinister meaning — one that demonstrates and could possibly reinforce racism against Asians and Asian-Americans.

“We are expressing our opinion now because this is affecting us,” said Ruth Yang, open-option junior. “This kind of racism and ignorance will build up.” Ruth’s sister Minah Yang, senior in finance, said she did not want to believe that someone in the ISU community could write something so racially insensitive and how the Daily could publish those comments. “Even if you were talking about a ground squirrel, why would you publish it?” Minah asked. “If you could see that it could offend someone, then the Daily shouldn’t publish the comments.” Minah described how she grew up hating herself because she was not white. She said she used to laugh along when other children made jokes about Asians or Asian-Americans. However, she said she is done being passive about racism.

“We need to think about the future. I don’t want [future generations] to have to deal with this stuff,” Minah said. “Even though this is hard and there may be backlash from the community, I know that doing this is a step further in improving the environment and the community for the future.” Ruth added that after two years at Iowa State, she still does not feel like she belongs. With water glistening in her eyes, she said she tries to ignore racism, but it still makes her question her abilities. “It makes me doubt myself — like I can’t make it here,” Ruth said. “I’m just trying to make Iowa State my adventure.” Ruth and Minah’s cousin, Elizabeth Yang, sophomore in pre-business, said she has told teachers about racism but they did not do anything about it.