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To be honest much of it was tiresome and repetitive, but then every once in awhile you would stumble on something interesting like how the women of a polygamist should always be fighting one another unless it causes to much discomfort to the husband. That is a common misconception. The Kama Sutra of Vatsayana: The Classic Burton Translation. In a sentence, the book is an exposition of the author’s perso Coming from a strong background in philosophy and the Classics, I found this book to be an invigorating read. I conclude my review with a longing that the many works and authors, which are cited in this book, are unavailable and lost as far as I can tell. 5 sil portera na primere restorana. This actually is more Arguably the hottest non-fiction book I’ve ever read – the translator has done a fantastic job of not only providing a translation of the original text, but also including translations of the commentaries by ancient Hindu authorities. As an expression of human culture, and as a pillow book for the modern boudoir, the Kama Sutra of Vatsyayana the most famous work on sex ever written the Ananga-Ranga of Kalyana Malla, and Sheikh Nefzai’s Perfumed Garden, set forth the principles of sensual pleasure with poetry, wisdom, and humor, celebrating love as an ecstatic expression of life’s beauty.

I read the complete original text and I found it interesting in the fact that the content wasn’t what I thought it would be. There are bold pictures here, s Found this again the other day in an old stack of books I needed to box up for storage. This book kajasutra me to recognize that this society elevated, at least theoretically, carnal pleasure kamasuutra a spiritual and cultural pseudo -science whereby these stratifications may be bent, kamasurra and, to use a word in its literal sense, humanized. Feb 20, Aliaa Mohamed rated it liked it Shelves: Unfortunately, a collection of only a handful of the thousand of verses of this work ccartea received notice and attention by the modern world – namely the verses, which describe the 64 arts of Kama ranging from cooing and biting to sexual positions and the appropriate setting for such sexual union. I would use this book as a part of sexual education.

To be honest I feel a little ridiculous rating a book which belongs to an era and culture so removed from my own. In a journey of romance and adventure, Youfu jamasutra to learn lessons that will enable him to pass the imperial examination, but Here’s how the 3rd cent. Amazon Rapids Fun stories for kids on the go. Arguably the hottest non-fiction book I’ve ever read – the translator has done a fantastic job of not only providing a translation of the original text, but also including translations of the commentaries by ancient Hindu authorities.

Written almost 2, years cartwa, the Kama Sutra deals with all aspects of kamasutr life, including the principles and techniques of sexual pleasure and how to best achieve ecstatic expression of life’s beauty. There are bold pictures here, showing positions and processes that are interesting as well, and yet the overall read drew my eye to the words, with the plates and pictures as a compliment, always. The Kama Sutra by Vatsyayana is a great book that gives a detailed description on several aspects on sex, love and marriage in Sanskriti culture. Although courtesans are mentioned, it is not about the sex trade but includes discussion of marriage, adultery, transvestism, homosexuality etc. I’d like to read this book on Kindle Don’t have a Kindle?

It’s not the general standard that was actually lived by but the standards a person was meant to aim for. There are many things going on in this book and the various positions, in talking, touching and physically exercising the usages here are myriad. Specialist in psihologia culturii si a religiilor, scriitor consacrat, Sudhir Kakar a fost inclus in lista primilor 25 de ganditori majori ai lumii actuale, votata de cateva dintre cele mai cunoscute cotidiene: Cartea pleaca de la principiile libertatii si placerii erotice, acoperind o gama larga de teme, de la mancarurile afrodiziace, masaj erotic si pana la modalitati de a-ti decora dormitorul intr-o maniera seducatoare.