Auto Script Writer 2 Larry Keys
Features: • Free & open source (GNU General Public License). • A keyboard, joystick, and mouse remapper. • A word recognition engine that expands abbreviations as you type them (auto-replace). • A simple yet powerful hotkey (shortcut key) scripting language for Windows, supporting both mouse and keyboard macros (if you're new to scripting, it might be easier than you think; check out the quick-start tutorial). • A regular scripting language (backward compatible with most existing AutoIt2 scripts). The program includes a script compiler that converts a script to an EXE. It also includes AutoScriptWriter, a macro recorder written by Larry Keys.
![Auto Script Writer 2 Larry Keys Auto Script Writer 2 Larry Keys](
The recorder is a good starting point but to get reliable scripts you need to write your script from scratch. Au3Recorder uses Mouse* and Send statements. So it depends on the screen size and position. And the user must leave mouse and keyboard alone while the script is running. Have a look at the Control* functions to enhance your script.
What's New: • Fixed two bugs which affected certain assignments where the target variable contains an unflushed binary number but has zero capacity. • Fixed GuiControl and GuiControlGet acting on the wrong control when given a HWND which does not belong to the current Gui. Instead, the condition is treated as an error.
• Fixed OnMessage functions to set A Gui and AGuiControl correctly when the target Gui is a child window.
Uploaded on Feb 15, 2011 I've made this video to show how you can import my or other scripts for your Logitech G-Series Keyboards in the 'Logitech G-Series Profiler'. Sry this Vid is a bit too fast, I hope you are able to follow;-) Created with MAGIX Video deluxe 17 Plus • • • • Society:::::::::::::: Quotes::::::::::::::::::::: Bulletin:::::::::::::::::::: History:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Classic books::::::::::::: Most popular humor pages::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Technology is dominated by two types of people: those who understand what they do not manage and those who manage what they do not understand ~Archibald Putt.
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